Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3, 2008: The Deadly Snakes - "Gore Veil"

Today's Song of the Day comes from the best album of 2005, Porcella by The Deadly Snakes. The Deadly Snakes were a Canadian garage band who had released three albums of great but rather straightforward garage-punk through 2004. In 2005, legend has it, they holed up in a cabin, allowed their folk, roots, and pop influences to come to the forefront, and didn't come out until they had put together this masterpiece.

Sadly, it would be their final album. The Deadly Snakes called it quits in 2006. Nick Cave soundalike co-frontman Andre Ethier (not to be confused with the Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder of the same name) has released three solo albums. They're all good, but have failed to capture the magic of sharing the spotlight with Age of Danger (aka Max McCabe-Lokos), who wrote and sang "Gore Veil."

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